AWS re:Invent 2023 - Schema design for fast applications (DAT347)
- The speaker has extensive experience in NoSQL and worked with AWS DynamoDB and Amazon retail projects.
- The focus of the talk is on designing schemas for NoSQL databases, particularly MongoDB, to optimize performance.
- Good performance is defined by response time, throughput, efficiency, and scalability.
- The speaker emphasizes the importance of aligning the schema with the workload and how data is accessed.
- Common anti-patterns in schema design include over-embedding and over-normalization.
- The speaker discusses the use of patterns like the computed pattern and subset pattern to optimize data access.
- Real-world examples are provided, including an order processing workflow and a real-time trading example.
- The speaker concludes that poor database performance is often due to inefficient schema or query design rather than the technology itself.
- NoSQL databases like MongoDB offer flexibility in schema design, allowing for optimization based on specific access patterns.
- Embedding data in documents can lead to performance gains by reducing the need for joins, but it must be done judiciously to avoid performance issues from over-embedding.
- The speaker highlights the importance of understanding high-frequency access patterns and optimizing for those, rather than less frequent operations.
- Schema validation is crucial in NoSQL databases to ensure data integrity and avoid "Wild West" scenarios with unstructured data.
- Real-world examples demonstrate that rethinking data modeling to align with NoSQL principles can lead to significant performance improvements.
- The session underscores the importance of enablement and education in helping developers transition from traditional relational databases to NoSQL databases effectively.